Guest Info
Visiting Hours:
The side doors of the Basilica are open daily from 7:00am – 8:00pm. Guests are always welcome to come in and pray. For brochures with information and a “walking tour” of the basilica, there is a stand near the center aisle along the back pew to help guide your visit. Be sure to sign the guest book!
Group Tours:
Tours for groups are available and can be arranged by appointment through the parish office. Please call at least a week ahead, (563) 875-7325.
Mass times are listed below. Periods of Eucharistic adoration are also offered during most weekdays for prayer. And the basilica is always a good place for silent prayer in the Presence of the Lord in the Tabernacle.
Mass Times: Weekdays Weekends
Please refer to our Parish Cluster website Spires of Faith
There are a number of items from the basilica available for sale as gifts or souvenirs. A display of these items is located in the north, rear entrance of the church. Items include: postcards, cookbooks, Christmas ornaments, puzzles, books, and more. Call or go to the office to purchase
Please view the visual pray guides linked below.
Way of the Basilica Windows Prayer Guide (30 minutes)